Wednesday, 1 April 2020

From Innocent Joy to Duty and Responsibility - ADULTHOOD

Hi everyone am back like I never left. I hope everyone is staying safe and staying indoors, don’t worry this also shall pass away. If only we were still kids this indoors stuff and covid-19 will just be like a drama to us. Anyways how’s your adulthood going? Are you feeling you have been scammed .. lol your not the only one on this boat. We plenty die 😂

But wait o, can I have my childhood back? This adulting shit is exhausting. Adulthood is like a mirage; when you get there you’ll realize that it wasn’t what you thought it was. 
As a child, if there was one thing I was eager to achieve, it was to “grow up”. I looked up at my aunties and couldn’t wait to become one. You know, be able to stay out late, eat what I want, live alone; go wherever I wanted to go without my mum monitoring me.Those days, I hated the fact that I can’t hang out with my friends without my mum calling me every 5 minutes. I was tired of the constant nagging, the curfews, the house chores and yea I had to do it all because i am the only child. I had no one to talk to except my mum giving me instructions up n down. I just wanted to grow up and stay on my own. 
These days, evolving into an adult appears to be less a reality than a choice. Young people in their late teens and early twenties flirt like adults, go out and behave like adults, some people even increase their age. When they embrace it, they post it. It’s all right there on their Instagram feed: paying off a credit card, changing the oil in the car, having your own home,going to parties, making your own decision.... #adulting.
The first stage everyone is all happy that they’ve emerged as adults and they can do as they please. Then boom, reality sets in. Managing finances, relationships, career, family are some of the stark realities that accompanies the overrated adulthood. Many of us were not ready. It was almost as though we were thrust into it, even though it was all we dreamed of as children. That longing for unfettered freedom. A life devoid of parental curfews. The thrill of being able to go and come as one pleases and make decisions without necessarily having to explain oneself. They were the factors that made adulthood so appealing then.  Trust DSTV to cut you off if you as much as dare to delay payment for subscription for the next ten minutes after it expires. The Landlord whom you had a cordial relationship with when the going was good, would not think twice in throwing you out when you default for too long in paying his rent. Even seemingly loving boy-girl relationships turn sour when finance becomes an issue. You have to pay your transportation, buy your toiletries, buy food ... oh my GOD it’s exhausting honestly.

But sometimes I can’t help it but wonder why being an adult is so hard. Especially in our twenties we battle daily with set of failures, fears, and expectations. Twenties are tough, competitive, and existentially draining. 

I miss those days when I was a child, all I had to do was eat, sleep, play, go to school, chai I honestly miss those days without thinking of how to get money to feed the next day
Yes, life happens to the best of us. Expenses pile up, bills need to be paid, debts are incurred, and Ceasar needs his dues every now and then. It gets to be hectic and painful to face but this is just the beginning of life. 

The truth is not every one of us would figure it out, most would leave clueless, I guess that’s why they say the graveyard is the richest place. Firstly, understand that having money doesn’t mean you have discovered the true essence of life or how to live it and that not having money doesn’t mean you cannot truly enjoy life. BUT please have money 😂 even if it’s small. 

Maybe it's our understanding of what being an adult that needs to change. Does being a grown-up mean We have to be meanabout life too? Does it entail being serious all the time, managing family matters, having kids etc?

Although it’s not easy let’s try and enjoy this journey called adulthood. 
* do what makes you happy every little chance you get
* being an adult should not be such a hustle, don’t compare yourself with others in your age group, don’t pressure yourself.
* enjoy, eat, laugh, travel, read books. Just try as much as possible to enjoy this journey. 
Take life a step at a time.

It’s all an illusion. The liberty, the determination, the bag of money at the door. In fact growing up itself is an illusion. We only wanted to reach that age when we thought that we will have it all. At the time we couldn’t say exactly at what age we will have it all, and neither today, we can’t tell. 

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to drop your comments. 
Follow me on IG @og__bella
Xoxo .....