Monday, 5 November 2018



Does GOD care? Usually that is a question people ask when they are faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles and calamities. Where is GOD when disaster strikes? Whether it comes wrecking havoc in our private world or whether we see it in mammoth proportions on our TV screen, we can’t help but question and wonder. Me? Does he even know I exist?”

The answer is “yes. He does know” he knows about your life and what happens to you though we cannot understand how GOD is deeply involved in the life of his people. It takes some faith, but you can now beyond doubt that the eternal GOD of the universe knows who you are. You can be assured that he cares for all you do or think.
We appear small and insignificant in the universe compared to deep space, massive oceans and astonishing array of life forms on earth, we might think ourselves unimportant. Even in a big crowd of people we can feel inconsequential. It is natural to wonder “does GOD really care about.
Does GOD care when tragedy sweeps in unexpectedly and tears at the very fiber of our being with inexpressible grief? The answer is “yes” yet to find the comfort he offers we must first get past the question. When JESUS walked this earth, he told his followers that in this world, there will be trouble. Since the beginning of time there has been struggle on this earth- germ and weeds, storms and insects, people’s problems and MONEY problems. The bible tells us that GOD sets things in motion on this earth. The seasons come and the seasons go and does not necessarily intervene in everyone.
Why does this happen? In Ecclesiastes 9:11 ”says the race is not for the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned, but time and chance happens to them all” life happens; the good and the bad.

When we find ourselves appalled at the overwhelming things happening in life, we cannot always determine the source. It may be the world and the forces of nature set in motion at the foundation of the world; it may be consequences of our own flesh and choices we have made; it may be spiritual opposition from the enemy of our soul or it may come from the very hand of GOD.
We agonize over the possibilities as we seek to answer the heart wrenching, “why” yet we cannot understand GOD nor can we always determine the answer to the difficult “why” even though we try desperately.
The hope that we have in times of severe circumstances and agonizing grief is the knowledge that GOD does care and he will help us through. Often our unanswered questions leave us blaming GOD and we distance ourselves from the very one who can bring comfort to the anguished heart.

We know GOD sees everything that happens to us. Nothing is a surprise to him. he would intervene and stop the pain. We wish children did not die and loved ones are not lost. As our lives play out on planet earth we find ourselves with a choice to make. We can believe that GOD is a GOD of love or we can turn from him in anger. We can believe that is heart I always for us or we can believe he is cruel and mean. Running to him in the midst of our anguish will take us into his arms and comfort. Pushing him away will leave us alone with desperation in our souls. The main theme running through the bible is GOD’s great love for us. Over and over he tells us that his son JESUS, came to this heart to heal the brokrn hearted. Even king david known to be a man after GOD’s heart, went through times of great tears to the point that those around him questioned “where is your GOD?” psalm 42 yet he also knew how the lord took note of his anguish and recorded his tears psalm 56:8. He ran to GOD for strength in his despair.
When we simply cannot understand the twists and turns of our path we can run to the one who will anchor us. He doesn’t promise our lives will be free of trouble, yet he does promise to hold us close through it all. Never doubt GOD’s love and care. He hurts when we hurt. His son, JESUS, weng up the agonizing hill to the cross and understands the deep anguish the soul can plunge to. That’s why we can trust him to be with us in our times of overwhelming stress.

Hang in there! In psalms 139:1(living bible)  it says “you chart the path ahead of me” and verse 16 says you…scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe”. GOD knows all about it (your struggles) so hang in there! GOD says in Isaiah 54:7 (living bible) “ for a brief moment I abandoned you. But with great compassion I will gather you.
Since that is so. Don’t lose heart. Run with patience the particular life race that is set before you. Surmount the particular obstacles you are facing. Don’t let them way you down.
Thanks for stopping by plese feel free to drop your comments.
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Till next time xoxo